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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Meal Plans. Are they worth it?

From a financial perspective meal plans are great. The unlimited meal plan is $1,321 and if you ate 3 meals a day 7 days a week at stander prices you would pay $2470.44. However the other meal plans are a bit more of a question mark, the 10 meal plan saves you over 100 dollar and the 15 plan save you over 400 dollars as compared to normal price.

However, there is an inherent risk involved. The theory behind a meal plan is that you will actually eat at the place you purchase it, and every time you don’t you lose money. With the unlimited plan if you don’t for every one of the 21 meals in a week you don’t eat in the dining hall you lose $3.70. For the 15 meal plan you lose a $4.80 for any of the 15 meals you don’t eat in a dining hall. Then for the 10 meal plan u lose $6.54 per meal that you don’t use. With the commuter 75 meal plan you would lose $6.33 per meal you didn’t use.

So from a purely financial stand point the meal plans are a good deal, if you use them. So if you, like most people, can’t eat the same bland boring food 3 meals a day, 7 days a week, for a 17 week semester you should carefully review your options before you start paying for food you’ll never use.


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