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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

On Campus Quickies

There are several options on campus to eat at other than Harcombe or Schilletter; such as: Fernow Street Café, the Canteen, and East Side Food Court. For many students food choice is merely a geographical issue, as many of us are extremely lazy. These options are frequented by students not on the mean plan, or those who just hate the dinning halls. Being a resident of the Johnstone community, I happen to be conveniently located next to the Canteen. While the Canteen offers a good variety of food choices the main attraction there is Chick-fil-A. The Canteen recently opened this past semester and if you go at the right time of day, you may have to wait awhile in line to get your tasty chicken. When it first opened I quickly became a Chick-fil-A addict, but this was soon to die off. Fernow Street Café offers some of the same things as the Canteen but its most popular attractions are the Deli and Pizza Hut. While the Pizza Hut has its standard Go-To’s the Deli offers a variety of bread choices and wraps as well as specials of the day. On sunny days, you can see a plethora of students dinning out in the sun on the outdoor tables at Fernow. The East Side Food Court is more popular among students living in the horseshoe area, and offers the largest food selection of the three. The fast food icon here is Burger King, but students complain that it’s rarely open. Sandwiches are standard, but the other options like the Mexican and Chinese food are somewhat iffy…

harcombe image:


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